Friday, September 12, 2014

About enthusiasm

I want to tell you about enthusiasm.

I want to tell you about a girl that, actually, I hardly know at all. But she's already made such an impression. She's one of those types who waves to everyone wherever she goes, and greets the world with a huge, sunny smile. She radiates love for others, and it's really impressive.

A few days ago, she said to me: "I'm sorry, this might sound stupid, but..."

 In a later conversation she admitted that people sometimes perceive her as stupid.

This made my heart sink, and it touched me very deeply. So I want to tell you, whoever you are, what I told her:

Don't ever make apologies for your charisma, your happiness, your joy, your enthusiasm. 

Other people may mistake your energy for naïveté or a lack of sophistication, but that's their problem. End soapbox moment... just something we could all do to remember from time to time. Much love to you!

(This is a photo from the first time I visited the Colosseum, back in 2011. I didn't expect it to be awesome, but it was, and this face was the result of total awe and excitement. Photo cred to my lovely friend Kat, who dragged me there! :))

Friday, September 5, 2014

New cities, new schools, new blogs

I love sharing my life with people I care about. Who doesn't? So now this exists as a way to do that.

Warning: it will probably be cheesy. It will definitely be punny. It may be utterly boring and frivolous and irrelevant.

But in the spirit of things, I'm going to do it anyway. Here's to the beautiful fresh starts we all deserve.
